Our contact email is info@trackdecals.com.

E-mailing us here will get you an auto response on what the status of our backlog is.

Most of the e-mails we are receiving right now are due to orders that are being shipped later than expected. We are spending all of our time (as a 2-man team) on getting orders out the door rather than replying individually to each e-mail inquiry.

I hope you understand that this lets us spend all of our time reducing our backlog and less time on administrative work.

The reason for the backlog is two-fold. One is that there was a severe material shortage that lasted for 4 months that left us without vinyl to use for orders. Thankfully, this is now over and we are able to work on our backlog, but we have a big mountain of orders to get through. We cannot give you an exact date on when your order will ship, but we are working on orders as fast as we possibly can.