For all orders shipped via UPS or USPS:

Orders are typically given a tracking number right before our mail carrier picks up all of our shipments, so if it's stuck at either the "Pre-Shipment Info Sent to USPS, USPS Awaiting Item" status, or the "Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending" status, that means the mail carrier either didn't scan our shipping manifest before loading it onto the truck, or the package was not immediately scanned when unloading the truck, respectively. In either case, it is in USPS' possession and en route to the next USPS facility (either a Distribution Center or Regional Facility) despite showing the same status for several days. View USPS' official statement on the matter here. To read more about USPS' tracking statuses and what they mean, click here.

For UPS, the status can be stuck on "Label Created" for a few days before being marked as delivered. Like USPS, a faulty scanner or human error can be the cause of this issue. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for the tracking status to update after a successful scan.



Regarding an estimated delivery date: it can be difficult to pinpoint when the exact delivery day is if the status doesn't update for several days, but it should still arrive around the normal time frame. If your order hasn't arrived after 2 weeks, please use our contact form and we'll see what we can do to track down your shipment. It's not uncommon for a package to be stuck on a status for a few days and then suddenly be marked "out for delivery," so always keep an eye out for it!


We at TrackDecals and TrackSculptures are based in and ship out of Ft. Worth, Texas (76116).

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

- Michael







